Extreme Build 2025
Build Week: June 9-14
About Extreme Build
We are looking for individuals with and without skills who want to offer themselves in service to God and Eastern Kentucky. We hope you will register below to participate in Extreme Build 2025. It is hard to believe that this summer we will build our 20th house with Extreme Build. Over that time, we have committed over a third of a million dollars and countless volunteer hours to provide life changing housing opportunities to people in McCreary County who would not have a chance otherwise. We build this house in partnership with Highland Housing. CBFKY provides money and volunteers in this intense effort that builds a home for a family. The new home owner receives a low interest loan for some of the cost and is able to own their own home for a payment of less than $250 a month. The selected family has completed financial counseling and initial screening to gauge their ability to pay for and their commitment to owning their own home.

The Extreme Build week will include siding, flooring, painting and finish work will take place June 9-14th. We need a large crew of folks who will commit to being present for some or all of this time. We can use every set of hands that are available to us. Set this aside on your calendar or go ahead and register below. The cost is only $25 per day (with you paying for any lodging that you might need.) with a $100 maximum. You can pay when you register by clicking the Donate button on the top of the screen. Be sure to click ““Add special instructions to the seller”, and let us know this is for Extreme Build.
Each year, we pledge $25,000 to help lower the cost of the home for the family that will receive it. We encourage every CBF Kentucky church to make a gift to offset this cost. Some churches regularly contribute $2000 or $1000 or whatever they can. Even if a church is unable to send laborers they can send a contribution to be an active partner in the work.
Maybe you have a question that still needs an answer, please don’t hesitate to email or call us and we will try our best to let you know the latest.
Please register by completing this form.