Karen Partnership
Since June 2006, Steve Clark and Annette Ellard have been serving as Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global Missions field personnel in Louisville. Their work, which began with video support work related to immigrants and refugees, soon became focused on the Karen and other refugees from Burma being resettled in Louisville and across the United States.
What you may not know is that as CBF partner-funded field personnel, they are charged with raising funding for their projects and programming each year. A vital part of their ministry is fundraising so that their ongoing work may continue with the Karen in Louisville.
The CBF/KY partnership with Steve and Annette includes contributing $3000.00 annually to their ministry. If you would like to make a pledge toward their projects and programs, please call 800-352-8741 or you may make a gift online by pressing here. After you make a pledge, you can mail your contribution to:
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, P.O. Box 101699, Atlanta, GA 30392.
Include “Steve Clark and Annette Ellard ” on the memo line.
More Info
Bio information about Steve and Annette can be found at the CBF website. If you would like to contact Steve and Annette, you can do so by emailing them at: clarkellard@cbf.net