Spring Gathering 2025

Join us for CBFKY Spring Gathering 2025

First BAPTIst church

11721 Main Street

Middletown, kentucky

April 25-26, 2025


Our Schedule 


11:00 a.m.                 Sign in and Visit Exhibit Hall

Noon                Complimentary Lunch

1:00                  Outside the Walls: Bob Fox. Missions Moment: Steve and Annette, Burma Refugee Ministry

2:00                 Break

2:15 Pastoral Care in the Church (panel Discussion) Mission Moment: Scarlette Jasper, Olive Branch Ministries


5:15 Coordinating Council

5:30 BSK Banquet

7:00                          Business Session

7:30                Worship

8:45                       Fellowship



8:30  a.m.                 Coffee and Light Breakfast

9:00                TBA; ; Mission Moment: Keith Stillwell, Together for Hope Appalachia

10:00 -10:15              Break

10:15-11:15            “Calling” Steven Cook; Mission Moment: Karen Thomas Smith, Morocco

11:015                        Break

11:30                     Closing Worship


Hotel Information

 We have arranged for some rooms to be held at hotels close to the church, at a reduced group rate. These rooms and cost are only available for a limited time. Please register as soon as possible to make sure you get a room.

Holiday Inn Express, 1520 Alliant Avenue, Louisville. To register for this room, click this link, <sales.hiexpress.louisville@gmail.com>. The rooms are being held under the name CBF KENTUCKY GROUP. The reservation needs to be made by April 1st. Cost of room $144 plus tax.

Hilton Garden Inn. 1530 Alliant Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky. The rooms are being held under the name CBF Kentucky. To register for this room, click this link, https://www.hilton.com/en/book/reservation/deeplink/?ctyhocn=SDFLEGI&groupCode=CBF&arrivaldate=2025-04-25&departuredate=2025-04-26&cid=OM,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT The cost of the room is $144 per night. The room will be held until March 26.

Hilton Garden Inn Mall of St. Matthews, 400 Sherburn Ln. Louisville, KY, 40207.  https://www.hilton.com/en/book/reservation/deeplink/?ctyhocn=SDFSMGI&groupCode=CBF25&arrivaldate=2025-04-25&departuredate=2025-04-26&cid=OM,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT The cost of the room is $144 per night. The room will be held until March 26.

Exhbitor's Hall  

IWe will have a Vendor’s Fair throughout the conference. f you have not been contacted by our office and would like to have a booth at the Vendor’s Fair, please email Peggy at office@cbfky.org.

BSK Dinner

You can register for the BSK Dinner as part of your registration for the conference below.


If you are bringing children between the ages of birth to 5th grade, please sign them up so we can have wonderful things for them to do also!  You can do this when you register for the conference below.

Please register by completing the form below.

Click Below to Pay for BSK Dinner Tickets