Christmas Letter from the EEAM
Dear CBF Kentucky friends,
Greetings from Morocco where we have just held our annual synod meeting, gathering representatives from all 11 of our congregations around Morocco to make decisions together and to reflect theologically. Our theme this year was “Continuing our Reformation: Cultivating Gifts and Ministries in the Church”.
We reflected on the fact that the primary gift that God gives us is … each other. We experience God’s Spirit working and moving in our midst through each other. Today we are grateful for you and the gift you are for us. And we especially celebrate today the arrival of Karen Zimmerman in our midst, a CBF envoyé, who will be studying French for two years then devoting herself to refugee and migrant ministry. Thanks be to God for the gift of Karen and for all our sisters and brothers in CBF KY!
Some have asked what top needs we currently have that individuals or congregations might meet. Here is what is at the top of our list at the moment:
1) Blankets for refugees and migrants: $7.00 buys a large warm blanket that makes a huge difference in a life. We currently have 450 migrants sleeping in the rough in the Agadir Bus Station, to cite just one example. We can give away as many as we receive money for.
2) Chairs for the little congregation in Mohammedia: Mohammedia does not have a congregational partner in CBF KY, and this congregation of about 60 persons has taken a step and faith and rented an apartment, but they do not have money for folding chairs. Folding chairs can be purchased at $18 each in Morocco.
3) We have a pastor coming to serve Casablanca in January who will work alongside Nico Nyembele! We desperately need to finish furnishing the parsonage: One bedroom has been paid for by CBF KY donors, but we still need to equip the following:
a) Bedroom #2 -- $800
b) Bedroom #3 -- $800
c) Kitchen -- $800
d) Dining Room -- $800
e) Upper Level Bedroom -- $800
4) The wall in Kenitra: We still need $4500 to complete the new construction of the wall on the church property in Kenitra to avoid further break-ins.
5) Diapers and baby formula for refugee/migrant children: $6 buys a can of baby formula; $8 buys a large package of diapers. Goal: 100 of each ($600 for formula, $800 for diapers)
6) Emergency housing for migrants and refugees, who are the most vulnerable. (including: minors, women with children, pregnant women, women victims of violence). Cost per person per month = $20
We are also still seeking congregational partners for Agadir, Mohammedia, Marrakech, Kenitra, and Tetouan!
And finally, we would love to have more of you as individual sustaining partners in the I LOVE Morocco project. Joining as a partner is a matter of agreeing to contribute $100 to support pastor’s salaries (all paid centrally) in the EEAM. The CBF KY team would be glad to send you a gorgeous t-shirt that proclaims your love for the church here.
Living in a country teeming with sheep and shepherds, I often feel like I have walked into a Biblical landscape. What is most certainly true is that this is a graced place, and that God’s grace has, again and again, been offered to us through you.
May you experience God’s grace at every turn in this season of Christmas and Advent.
Karen Thomas Smith